Thursday 6 June 2013

Drawn Animation Evaluation

Hand drawn animation, also known as direct animation or animation without camera, is an animation technique where footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock, as opposed to any other form of animation where the images or objects are photographed frame by frame with an animation camera. There are several weaknesses to this type of animation; Time consuming as the large numbers of drawings and the photography time required in completing a production consumes schedules and can result in delays. 
Lack of marketing as computer animation relies on software and a number of computer processors to speed up the process, and correcting mistakes by hand as repetition of work can become tiresome and time consuming. Artistic corrections for quality animations are costly, as they demand repetition of an entire task.
However there are some strengths to this technique as drawing animations by hand allows you to be more creative with your characters and settings. Also animation that's drawn directly on the film reel, using a number of tools, techniques, and methods skips the entire process of cel animation, photographing, and video sequencing - or the more modern process of digital rendering. Furthermore, hand drawn animation is often the only way to communicate complex ideas quickly and creatively.

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